With effect from 22/2/2014, e-stamping calculation for lease with Average Annual Rent (AAR) above S$1000 had changed.
Any lease with Average Annual Rent (AAR) below S$1000 was exempted from stamping (same as the past)
AAR above S$1000
W.E.F. 22/2/2014
1) Lease period of 4 years or less :
0.4% of total rent for the period of the lease
2) Lease period of more than 4 years or for any indefinite term :
0.4% of 4 times the AAR for the period of the lease.
In another word. estampimg fee capped at maximum of 4 years and calculate by 0.4% of the total monthly rent
For example :
Monthly Rental : $1000
Lease term :
i) 6 months
ii) 12 months
iii) 60 months (capped at 4 years = 48 months)
estamping =
i) 0.4% x $1000 x 6
= $24
ii) 0.4% x $1000 x 12
= $48
iii) 0.4% x $1000 x 48
= $192
Please go to IRAS website to check on the illustration table and download the Excel format of estamping calculator if needed.
Can check on :
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