Request for Defects Check Service
Qualified Inspector according to BCA’s Yardstick. 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.
Why do your Property Defects Check with PropertyNet.SG?
Qualified Inspector
Go beyond visible architectural checks with Qualified Inspector. Our Qualified Inspector are equipped with experience and professional tool to assess functionality of M&E fittings and fixtures, proper routing of piping, conduits and trunkings etc. which cannot be done by visual observation. Leave the defects check to the expert and have a good night sleep knowing your new property will be in good condition in years to come!
Reduce Future Repair Costs
Some defects surfaced only after years and by then, you have to fork out your own cash to pay for repairs which may be costly. Why not detect these underlying issues now and get them rectified by developers before the Defect Liability Period expires? Take action now and save yourself from repairing detectable defects in the future.
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
After going through 1st round of defects check with you, marking out defects, our inspector helps to prepare and submit the defects checklist to developer. Our service don’t stop there, our inspectors will run through the list of defects with developer’s representative in 2nd appointment, and conduct a re-check after developer has finished all rectification works to ensure all defects have been rectified.