Residential Properties (Sale Only)
Bringing You Beautiful Homes Worth Your Consideration.Top 3 Questions to ask when renting out your property
Becoming a landlord is one of the many ways to generate a good passive income and here’s the top 3 common questions asked by landlord renting out their first property.
Court Of Appeal Overruled High Court’s Decision On Case Involving Backdating Of An Option To Purchase
Readers should take note of the perils of backdating Option to Purchase to circumvent public policy as highlighted in this case.
Lasting Power of Attorney
A silver tsunami is due to hit Singapore in a couple of decades. Are we prepared for it? As the saying goes, “always plan ahead, it wasn’t raining when Noah built the ark.”
Since the Mental Capacity Act was enacted in 2010, we can now plan for the time when we should lose our mental capacity and become vulnerable due to our circumstances. We have now the tool to do so – a Lasting Power of Attorney.
Using CPF to buy 2nd Property
Investing in a second home? There is a very little known CPF rule which applies when you are buying a second or subsequent property. [Read More]
5 Mistakes to avoid when selling your house in a buyer’s market
Are you trying to sell your property and feeling that you are facing a challenging time? Seize all available opportunities to sell your property and do not make this 5 mistakes when selling your house.
High Court Case: Claims against buyer for not only occupying premises but also causes the failure in completion of purchase
A recent High Court case that deals with the type of damages the sellers are claiming from a buyer who was not only occupying the property but also repeatedly postponed the completion date until she eventually failed to complete the purchase of the property.
3 Key Considerations Before Buying Your Residential Property
Are you prepared to purchase your next residential property? Check out this 3 key consideration before committing yourself.
Expat Living in Singapore – Renting a Residential Property
Moving to Singapore for the 1st time, Expat usually rent a private apartment or landed house. Here are tips into renting a Singapore residential property.
New Resales Procedure for HDB – Agreed on Price First Before Valuation
With effect from 10 March 2014 5pm onwards, all HDB valuation request can only be done provided an OTP is granted. The new OTP period will be extended from current 14 days to 21 days. [Read More]