Residential Properties (Rent Only)

Bringing You Beautiful Homes Worth Your Consideration.

Shortage of Supply in Executive Condo in Upcoming Months

With growing demand for new Executive Condominiums (EC) and a limited supply of new EC launches in upcoming years, the number of remaining units of Executive Condo is expected to fall further in 2017. Strong Demand Since 2015, the demand for new Executive Condo units...

Change or Transfer of HDB Flat Ownership Within Family Members

The article is published with permission from SMTP. For all enquiries regarding this article or if you are seeking legal advice, you may contact Mr Gary at 9107 5225. INTRODUCTION By now, most of us are aware that from 1 April 2016 or thereabout, the Housing and...

Case Study: New Executive Condo vs Private Condo / Resale EC

There are plenty of articles mentioning the differences of Private Condominium and Executive Condominium and why one is better than the other. And we have readers who asked:” Everyone is saying Executive Condominium is a good buy. Even our Minister Khaw Boon Wan...

Top 5 Reasons Why More People Bought Executive Condominiums in 2016

Introduction Home buyers have picked up a good number of Executive Condominiums (ECs) in 2016. In 2016, a total of 3,999 ECs were sold, marking a 56.82% increase in the number of ECs sold compared to 2,550 units sold in 2015. The demand for ECs has increased steadily...

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